So Alive— Siobhan and Cody

When Cody and Siobhan met, she gave him a cold shoulder.

She wouldn’t even talk to him.

When he asked if she wanted to do acro, she just walked off. She wasn’t interested in training some noob at 2am in the morning when it was freezing cold out. So instead she ditched him and her friends and wandered off into the festival to find adventure elsewhere.

The next day she saw him out on the puzzle mats flying someone else and realized she had made a HUGE mistake.

So she ran up and asked him to play with her next.

Once they started playing they didn’t stop even as a twerk shop erupted around them.

It’s okay to make mistakes.

It is okay to fail, to fall, and to snub some random dude who turns out to be the best love of your life. It’s okay as long as you admit you made a mistake.
When we own our mistakes we change our future.

created by Siobhan Shiva & Cody Shellenberger

@siobhanshiva & @acroyogicodi

Dealing with Frustration— Alana and Colton

Love may infinite— time is not.

Sure, you may want to prioritize your magical partnership and your, training time, but shit’s gonna get in the way.

You have so much to DO…you gotta work (A LOT, if you live in San Francisco), answer your email, call your mother and renew your health insurance. While your partner may want to do, well, YOU.  

This is particularly true for Alana and Colton— who are teachers, trainers, professionals (and partners). They told me they do 32 classes and 12 clients….I think a week. There can be moments that are “challenging” to say the least & disruptions that  can lead to frustration.

But when things get intense sometimes it’s better to not use words, sometimes it’s better to just pause, and dance it out. 

The Perfect Partnership— Del Sol

When you think about wanting to be in a partnership, do you dream about the fights and compromise, or do you dream of something different?

All the relationship advice out there tells us to work harder, accept imperfection, and stop craving the perfect partner.

But maybe they are out there? Don’t you dream about a partnership modeled after perfection?

Couldn’t out there, exist some sort of union without flaw, without miscommunication, distrust or disharmony?

What’s it like to have a perfect union? To have a partnership that flows with one beat?