
Welcome to Acrobatic Storytelling! We tell our community’s most intimate stories through acrobatics.

Want to participate?

If you want to hear more about our events in SF, LA and more, sign up for our mailing list on the bottom. <3

If you’re interested in booking us for an event, send us a PM on Facebook.

2018 Theme: Fantasy

.Fantasy lies at the intersection of imagination and desire.

Fantasies are dreams you don’t plan to act on. Maybe because they seem impossible, defy physics – or just aren’t very wise. For this reason, fantasy is deeply revealing. It highlights our perceived limitations, our shadows and sometimes what we think we just couldn’t (or shouldn’t) get away with. Since they are unrestrained, they showcase our wildest visions and deepest hopes.

By allowing ourselves the freedom to dive into our fantasies, we enter a dialogue with our community about what’s closest to our hearts.

Story Archive


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